A little update

It’s hard to believe how fast time goes sometimes. Our sweet little guy is already 2 weeks old and still not home with us. Our days are filled with trips back and forth to the hospital, eating, and sleeping. We have been so blessed by many friends and family who take care of our other dear little children and bring us amazingly yummy food. It has been beyond nice to not have to worry about what we will eat everyday!
Tucker is doing well, just not as perfectly as we’d hope. It’s hard to complain because there are babies nearby who are not doing nearly as well, but, at the same time, it’s not fun having a baby in the NICU for such a long time. There aren’t words to describe how awful it is to carry a baby for 9 months, then have him taken from your body to a strange place. A place where someone else can tell you when you can hold him and when you cannot, a place with strange lights, beeping monitors, and different people every day. We have had some wonderful nurses, especially the last few nights. I consider this a special gift from the Lord as I had a major breakdown about having to leave Tucker here the other night… Since then, the night nurses we have had have had the sweetest spirits. I wonder if they could be angels…
We are hopeful today as we are seeing some progression with the temperature issue. They have been slowly turning down the temperature in his isolet and he has been able to maintain an adequate temp, so… Tomorrow he moves to an open crib, for the 3rd try. Maybe, maybe, maybe… During one of our first days here, I saw a quote on a friend’s facebook status (ah Facebook, how I love it sometimes :)) that said, “The faithfulness of God is the only certain thing…” we know he is the One holding our sweet little boy and pray he will help us trust in him. Meanwhile, we wait…



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